Sunday, May 16, 2010

Cherry Coffee Cake

Two facts:

1. Today was Picnic Day at our church.
2. I haven’t made any progress in the new recipe venture for a few weeks.

I considered those two facts together. I don’t know if this will qualify me for the “bravery” or the “what was she thinking” award, but I decided to try a new recipe to take to the picnic. I couldn't hide the fact that I brought it – our name is in big black letters on the side of the pan. But good or bad - the way I had this figured is it could have a good outcome either way:

1. If it was not so great, they could just think, “Oh, that poor thing can’t cook. She’ll be our go-to gal when we need someone to bring a bag of chips or a bottle of soda.” Or . . .
2. If it was a success and super fantastic: “Wow, what a great cook! We’ll call her whenever we need a tasty dish!”

(Oh, wait – was that second outcome a good thing?!?!?)

Today’s recipe is Cherry Coffee Cake. I found the recipe posted on one of my favorite blogs – Controlling My Chaos. It is probably a favorite because I have control issues also! Check out her blog for the cute little recipe cards she posts with all of her recipes. (My recipes are written on napkins, torn out of a magazine, or just bookmarked online in my favorites file.)


Table of Contents:
1 yellow cake mix
1 cup flour
1 pkg. (2 ¼ tsp) active dry yeast
2/3 cup warm water
2 eggs, lightly beaten
1 (21 oz.) can cherry pie filling
1/3 cup cold butter

1 cup powdered sugar
1 Tbsp. corn syrup
1-2 Tbsp. water

How To:
Combine 1 ½ cups of the dry cake mix with flour and yeast. Add water and mix until smooth. Stir in eggs until well blended. Pour into greased 9x13 pan. Spoon pie filling over top. Place remaining cake mix into a bowl and mix with butter until crumbly. Sprinkle over top of cake. Bake at 350 degrees until lightly browned, 40-50 minutes. Combine glaze ingredients and drizzle over baked cake.
The Outcome:
This recipe goes in the “keep” file. I think this cake would be one that is even more moist the second day because of the pie filling. But there was none left, so I guess we will have to wait until next time to find that out!

Wednesday, May 5, 2010


"May the words of my mouth and the meditation of my heart be pleasing in YOUR sight, O LORD, my ROCK and my REDEEMER."
Psalm 19:14

Today random thoughts have been bouncing off the walls of my mind. I don't know why. Sometimes there are just days like that. What I ended up kind of zoning in on was the phrase, "Oh, my God." I don't much like it. And that has nothing to do with God, although everything has to do with God. You hear it as an exclamation of surprise, as a venting of frustration, as a fit of anger. It is used as a response to almost any given emotion at any given time by adults, teens, and children. It can be a habit, just something we say. I'm no goody two-shoes - I've said it myself. But I don't like it because it uses the name of God in a non-honoring way.

Here's my next random thought. I don't know what brought it to mind, but I was thinking about the time Mark had to go to St. Louis for a week. I remember picking him up at the airport. I was standing in front of the security gates, anxiously waiting for him. Do you know that feeling of anxious expectation, that you can just hardly wait for something to happen? That was what I was feeling.

Now here's my last random thought. (I really am going somewhere with this!) I was thinking about God and His Word, and how I just long to know more of Him, and have a more intimate personal relationship with Him. That's when it hit me that every morning when I get out of bed, I want to feel anew that longing, that feeling of anxious expectation. That feeling of I just can't wait to meet with God this morning - to give Him glory, tell Him my deepest thoughts, listen for His voice, and to stand in awe. When I capture that feeling, that urgency - that should be the time to exclaim, "Oh, my God!!!!!"

Monday, May 3, 2010


The metamorphosis of the garden continues. Over the past few weeks we have completed cutting down all of the ornamental grasses. A lot of invasive grass and weeds have also been pulled. We have been to the dump 12 times with the debris!!!!

Here are some before pictures:

Here are some after shots:

And here is where we collapse to survey the progress:

It's a good tired!

(Check out Outdoor Wednesday at Southern Daydreamer for some great outdoor pics!)