Wednesday, March 24, 2010


"What a fellowship, what a joy divine . . . "

Spending time in God's Word is always a wonderful thing, but there is just something special about studying the Bible with other women, especially in a small group setting. When a small group of women meet together on a regular basis and they have a deep desire in their hearts to know God and to glorify Him by studying His word - a feeling of trust and support ensues. The blessing that comes is the encouragement you receive and the knowledge that you can trust these women with open and honest discussions about what we struggle with on a daily basis. What a wonderful fellowship!

For the past 7 weeks we have been studying a book by Patricia Shirer, He Speaks To Me.
I think in the following statement she summed up a lot of what happens when women study together:
"Intimacy with God requires the same time, energy, and effort we put into human friendship. The closer we become to friends the more detailed information we receive from them about their lives. The more they can trust us, the more apt they are to reveal specific and detailed information. In the same way, intimacy with the Father brings increased communication. The closer we are to God the more readily we will hear His voice."

So to my Wednesday morning girls - Karmen, Michele, Allison, Joan, Shiloh, and Julie -I have treasured our time together. I have been honored to study with you and share in pieces of your lives. My heartfelt prayer for all of you would be that you will continually experience God's mighty and powerful presence and that you will clearly hear His voice. Blessings to all of you; I hope our paths will cross again!

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