Saturday, March 12, 2011

Opening Day

The Event:  
Spring Cleaning 2011 - Episode #1

 (Note:  Hardly any weeds in the beds - reaping the rewards of 2010 chemical warfare!)

The Conditions:  
Mid 70's
Light breeze
Hardly a cloud in the beautiful blue sky

The Help:  
(Picking up sticks)

(Stomping down the leaves)

(Running the leaf blower)

We raked out all of the beds around the house, mowed, and then tested all of the sprinklers.  Because I took the time to do a lot of the clean-up in the fall, we had plenty of time left to play a little football & soccer,  and to have a great chat under the big tree in the front yard.

I have an extensive list of garden chores on my agenda for this garden season.  But for right now, I'm just enjoying the beautiful weather and am grateful for what has been accomplished.

The 2011 garden season is officially open.  It's going to be a great year!!!!!